Do you have a beautiful garden in your backyard? Want to grow colorful flowers there? If you want to plant their nasturtiums, then you also know about what not to plant with nasturtiums. Let’s start the journey of creating a thriving garden that involves orchestrating a symphony of plant interactions. Like the vibrant players, nasturtiums emerge as both the show-stoppers and defenders, captivating with their vivid hues and pest-repelling prowess. However, like any garden drama, there are roles that may clash on this green stage.
That’s why I am here with this guide, I spotlight four plant companions that, despite their individual brilliance, may not be the best dance partners for nasturtiums. Join us as we unravel the delicate choreography of what not to plant with nasturtiums, ensuring your garden narrative unfolds with grace and abundance.
Table of Contents
What not to plant with nasturtiums? The answer
As a farmer, I suggest you 4 items you need to avoid. Nasturtiums are known for their ability to repel certain pests and act as companion plants that benefit neighboring crops. However, there are some plants that may not thrive when planted in close proximity to nasturtiums. Those are:
- Brassicas (Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower)
- Beans
- Sunflowers
- Potatoes
What time you plan your garden, think of it as a harmonious community where each plant supports the well-being of its neighbors. Nasturtiums, with their vibrant blooms and pest-repelling qualities, can be fantastic companions for many crops. Now let’s go to the detailed answer:
Brassicas (Cabbage, Broccoli, Cauliflower)
You need to avoid brassicas like cabbage, broccoli, and cauliflower to plant near nasturtium. Because nasturtiums do a splendid job deterring pests, opinions differ on their compatibility with brassicas. My friend’s gardeners believe nasturtiums can divert aphids away from brassicas, while others suggest potential interactions with cabbage white butterflies. It’s a fascinating dance of nature, but you might want to give them some breathing room.
Nasturtiums don’t like beans that much. Beans and nasturtiums create a bit of a mystery in the garden. I feel they don’t complement each other well, possibly affecting growth. If space allows, consider experimenting with their placements to unlock the secrets of this green companionship. And you can share it with others also.
Nasturtiums and sunflowers are two different kinds of flowers. Nasturtiums, the defenders against aphids, and sunflowers, the majestic giants of the garden, may not always share the same stage gracefully. Sunflowers have a charm that attracts aphids, potentially diminishing the protective effects of nasturtiums. If possible, give these two charismatic plants their independent space to shine. And enjoy their beauty separately.
Potatoes and nasturtiums are totally different plants. The relationship between nasturtiums and potatoes is like a complex dance – some say nasturtiums keep the notorious Colorado potato beetle at bay, while others warn of growth inhibitions. To strike the right balance, you might want to create distinct areas for these garden performers.
Nasturtium Companion Plants
There are 5 best plants which are very friendly with nasturtium. The art of companion planting in your garden can elevate the overall health and vitality of your green haven. Nasturtiums, with their vibrant blossoms and unique foliage, are not just eye-catching; they also play the role of benevolent companions to various plants. Here are those 5 plant dance partners that thrive alongside nasturtiums, creating a harmonious ensemble in your garden:
- Tomatoes: Nasturtiums make excellent neighbors for tomatoes. Their peppery aroma is believed to deter certain pests that often trouble tomato plants, acting as a natural pest repellent.
- Cucumbers: Placing nasturtiums near cucumber plants can offer a protective shield. Nasturtiums are thought to repel cucumber beetles and other pests, promoting a healthier environment for cucumber vines to flourish.
- Radishes: The spicy charm of nasturtiums complements the crisp character of radishes. I believe that nasturtiums can help deter pests that target radishes, creating a mutually beneficial partnership.
- Herbs (Rosemary, Dill, Mint): Nasturtiums mingle well with various herbs. Their sprawling growth can provide a beneficial ground cover, suppressing weeds and conserving soil moisture.
- Fruit Trees: Planting nasturtiums around the base of fruit trees can serve as a natural pest deterrent. The vibrant flowers attract beneficial insects while helping to keep unwanted pests at bay.
Here are some tips on what not to plant with nasturtiums:
- It’s best to provide nasturtiums with the space to weave their colorful tapestry without competing for resources.
- Avoid planting nasturtiums with highly competitive plants that might overshadow or outcompete them for sunlight, water, and nutrients.
- It’s advisable to keep nasturtiums away from plants that are sensitive to prevent any potential hindrance in growth.
- If you have shade-loving plants that require a more shaded environment, avoid planting them too close to nasturtiums, as the latter may create a sunnier microclimate.
2 Big Questions
1.Which flowers make delightful companions for nasturtiums in your garden?
Nasturtium imparts a peppery flavor, making it a popular addition to soups and salads where it can be sprinkled alongside other edible flowers. Borages, calendula, and purslane stand out as excellent flower choices to cultivate alongside nasturtiums.
2. Is it possible to cultivate nasturtiums in containers?
Yes. Nasturtiums thrive when cultivated in containers, offering a versatile and vibrant addition to your patio or balcony garden. Their cascading vines and peppery blooms bring a burst of color and flavor, making them an ideal choice for container gardening.
So, I already described what not to plant with nasturtiums and what can plant with nasturtiums. In the intricate ballet of companion planting, understanding what not to pair with nasturtiums is key to orchestrating a thriving garden. As we conclude this journey through the nuances of plant relationships, remember that while nasturtiums play well with many, there are a select few dance partners that might disrupt their harmonious performance.
If you avoid these certain companions, you pave the way for a garden where nasturtiums can shine and contribute their unique charm to the flourishing symphony of nature. So, heed these cautions, experiment with care, and let your garden become a stage where each plant can showcase its brilliance without missing a step. If you succeed, then you can thank me.